The Lone Pine

A 100 word story

Jim Esch
2 min readJun 18, 2022


Here’s a new “drabble” — a 100 word micro fiction about a tree.

In East Texas a pine tree stands by itself in what appears to be a meadow. It is surrounded by stumps. Why it survived the tree can’t say. Two crows circle above, conversing about what, we can’t say, either. Bugs are crawling along the bark. The sun splatters harsh light through breaking clouds. The wind is hot and not a relief to us, who have gathered to shoot pictures and take measurements. A Ford pickup rumbles across the field. Marshall gets out and asks if we’re finished. Saddened, we nod. He opens the tailgate, pulls out the ropes and chainsaw.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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